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Invited Book chapters and Refereed Conference Proceeding Papers
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- Qian PY*, Dahms B, 2008 (invited). A trianglular model: environmental changes affect biofilms that affect larval settlement (invited). Biofilm 4: 315-328.
- Qian PY*, HU Dahms, Chapter 7: Larval ecology of Annelida, In Rouse & Pleijei: Reproduction and development of Annelida, Oxford Press, pp 179-231.
- Pernet B*, Qian PY, Rouse G, Young CM, Eckelberger KJ. 2002. Phylum Annelida, 209-243. In: Atlas of Marine Invertebrate Larvae, edited by Young CM, Rice M, Sewell MA, Academic Press, A Harcourt Science and Technology Company, Longdon. Pp626.
- Chiu JMY, Triyagarajan V, Tsoi MMY, Qian PY*. 2004. Qualitative and quantitative changes in marine biofilms as a function of temperature and salinity in summer and winter. Proceedings of International Conference: Biofilms 2004- Biofilm structure and activity, 24-26 Oct. 2004, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 261-268.
- Lau TC, Wu XA, Chua H, Qian PY, Wong PK*. 2004. Effect of exopolysaccharides on the adsorption of metal ions by Pseudomonas CU-1. Proceedings of International Conference: Biofilms 2004- Biofilm structure and activity, 24-26 Oct. 2004, Las Vegas, NV, USA. 336-341.
- Thiyagarajan V, Lau SCK, Cheung SCK, Qian PY*. 2004. Cypris habitat selection facilitated by microbial films influences the vertical distribution of subtidal barnacle Balanus trigonus. Proceedings of International Conference: Biofilms 2004- Biofilm structure and activity, 24-26 Oct. 2004, Las Vegas, NV, USA. 137-143.
- Yin, K*, Tang VWY, Qian PY, Chen, J., Wu, M.C.S., 2001. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Red Tides in Hong Kong Waters during 1983-1998. In: G.M. Hallegraeff, S.I. Blackburn, C.R J. Bolch, R.J. Lewis (eds), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms, February 7-11, 2000, Tasmania, Australia. UNESCO-IOC, Paris, p74-77.
- Qian PY*, Impact of environmental factors on life history strategies of the marine polychaete Capitella sp., Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 271pp.