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Research Projects

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  1. Novel antibiotics from genome mining and diversity-oriented synthesis. UGC Collaborative Research Fund
  2. Cold Seep Ecogenomics, Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou)
  3. Hong Kong Branch, Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), (PI, Director)
  4. Analytical and heterologous expression of synthetic pathways of active nature proucts such as anti-tumor an anti-infection (MOST Key Research & Development Program). Subtask: multi-directional discovery and activation of anti-tumor, anti-infection and other active natural products
  5. Cold Seep Ecosystem and Resource, Major Basic and Applied Basic Research Project of Guangdong Province
  6. A small indoor mesocosm facility for investigating the impact of the environmental stressors on marine organisms (UGC, PI)
  7. u-loop mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent ecosystems monitoring and conservation. COMAR (Chinese Ocean Mineral Research and Development Assocation)
  8. Anti-biofilm compounds from marine microbes, COMAR (Chinese Ocean Mineral Research and Development Assocation)